Is This You
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About Nora

Attention business
owners, executives,
and service professionals:

  • Have your long-term business goals taken a back seat to dealing with short-term emergencies? Do you miss opportunities because you're bogged down in daily details?
  • Are you struggling to maintain your company's growth and profitability? Is it getting harder to keep up with the pace of change?
  • Are you a leader without reliable followers? Maybe it's time for your team's success to be less hit-and-miss and more strategic, consistent, and effective.
  • Are you ready to expand your company — in size, scope, or revenue — in a practical, deliberate, and intentional way? Is your "marketing plan" sitting on a shelf collecting dust?
  • Would you like to have more control over your time? Is balancing your work and personal life feeling like it should be a higher priority?
  • If you answered yes to any of these questions and you're committed to the success of your organization, you've come to the right place for strong support.

Hi, I'm Nora Wolfson, the "go to" person when you're ready to produce results. My background in business, psychology, and organizational development makes me uniquely qualified to support executives and entrepreneurs as they manage business growth and change. My clients are highly skilled, intelligent, and ambitious — and they're ready to do more with less struggle.

If you're experiencing growing pains, in the midst of an internal upheaval, or feel stuck in neutral, we should talk. If you feel pulled in too many directions and want clarity and perspective, call me. My job, my purpose, and my passion is helping business owners and executives just like you work though pressing issues and achieve the professional results they desire.

If you're responsible for the success of your company and you keep thinking there must be a better, less stressful, more effective path to long-term success … you're right, there is.

If you keep thinking there must be someone out there at your level (someone who is not a colleague or competitor) with an unbiased perspective who can listen and help you figure out what to do next … you're right, there is.

If you know deep down that the skills that helped you get your company to where it is today are not the same ones you need to take it to the next level, and you keep thinking there must be someone who could guide you … you're right, there is.

Nora Wolfson Consulting offers:

  • Support to help you and your team stay focused, be more effective, and achieve your most important goals.
  • Marketing strategies guaranteed to grow your company.
  • A confidential relationship where you can think out loud, try on new ideas to see how they fit, and talk through sensitive issues.
  • Objective, honest, straightforward feedback.
  • A fresh perspective and unique point of view.
  • A unique blend of business savvy and insight into the human psyche.

If you're still reading, you must be interested enough to find out if I work with clients like you.

"Clients bring their knowledge and commitment; I use the power of psychology. Together we produce great business results."

—Nora Wolfson